Dhruv Batra . Full-Stack Developer.... Competitive programmer.... Gamer....

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02 : About me

🚀 Aspiring Software Developer 🚀

Bringing foundational knowledge in VANILLA JS, REACT, and NODE.JS and Strong problem solving skills to the table.


Eager to embark on a journey where academic prowess meets practical expertise. Passionate about leveraging skills to drive innovation and tackle real-world challenges in web development projects.


  • 🔍 Strong Problem-solving: Thrives in dissecting complex problems and finding elegant solutions.
  • 📚 Continuous Learning: Committed to staying updated with the latest technologies and trends.
  • 🌱 Growth Mindset: Embraces challenges as opportunities for personal and professional growth.


Excited to dive into new opportunities, contribute meaningfully, and make a positive impact in the world of software development.

03 : Works

Projects below harness the power of Cookies, React, MongoDB, SendGrid, Graph.js, Socket.io, and Node.js

04 : Contact me

  • +91 7814690448
  • dhruv16032001@gmail.com
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